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Pyne denies dropping C-bomb in Parliament

Post-Budget Question Time In Canberra

CHRISTOPHER Pyne insists he said "You're such a grub" across the floor of federal parliament yesterday. But to most ears, it sounded a lot more severe. Judge for yourself.

Warning on killer bread bag clips

Warning on killer bread bag clips

ADELAIDE surgeons have made an impassioned plea — again — for a redesign of potentially lethal plastic bread bag clips after patients swallowed them.

Australians foil Al-Qaeda drug plot

 Photo made on January 7, 2010 shows an armed Somali pirate along the coastline while the Greek cargo ship, MV Filitsa, is se...

AN Australian warship has seized nearly 450kg of heroin worth $132m in lawless waters near Somalia, halting funds to Al-Qaeda and other terror groups.

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